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ABOUt us

Life Skills Management began operations in 2016, with an ambition to excel in sports education following a detailed approach to each individuals strengths and targets. We select the best programs and courses from all over the world to guide our students of all ages through the world of sport.

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our services

baby & toddler development programs

Our programs designed for babies and toddlers focus on early development and detailed explanations for parents to understand the importance of each activity.

child development programs

Our programs designed for children focus on developing excitement and understanding of activities.

adult development programs

Our adult programs range from learning new skills as beginners and developing / improving old skills to be better. our competative adult courses prepare you for bigger challenges.

online learning

Our selection of online learning programs gives you the chance to develop your qualifications and expand your knowledge in the world of sports, fitness and well-being.

Events & Activities

We regularly hold events and activities designed to spread awareness and understanding in our programs. Review our upcoming events here.

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